Ashley Galica’s Takeaway from the Emerging Leaders Retreat

One of my favorite key takeaways from this retreat was regarding feedback. In order for us to effectively process feedback, especially negative feedback or criticism, we need to allow ourselves time to process the feedback. By giving ourselves time to process, this allows us to create our own response based on our feelings after being given some time to think about it and digest. For example, if my boss is going over my yearly review and lists out specific feedback for me, the natural response might be to get defensive and want to immediately react. However, if we listen to the feedback, think about it over the next day or so and then schedule a follow-up to discuss, this prepares you for a more appropriate response instead of a reaction.
Another takeaway that I thought was very insightful was do your research on event attendance. When attending any event, always get a list of the attendees or speakers ahead of time and do your research on them. The ultimate goal would be to find out who exactly you want to meet with, how you can connect yourself with them, and this will overall give you a better understanding of who they are and what they do. A good reminder that was mentioned was after connecting with someone, make it a point to follow up with them and to include something personal that you remembered them by. This could be you both went to the same college, both have a similar interest or hobby, etc.
Lastly, as a leader, we need to be asking ourselves more... What do I want to get out of today or this event/class? How do these topics have an impact on me every day? Is this benefit better for personal or business reasons? This was an important reminder to stay on top of CREW events, social activities, and other industry events that we attend and to also set expectations for ourselves & what we want to achieve from each one. Set a goal to understand what you want to get out of the event or class & how you can relate that information to your own goals or beliefs or even to help with your job.